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How QR Codes Can Benefit Your Business

Posted by on 6/11/2015
Benefits of QR Codes QR codes can benefit businesses of all sizes when they are used properly. QR stands for “quick response” and the codes can be scanned with smartphones and tablets to perform an action. The QR code can bring the user to a website, give them a coupon code, initiate a download, and anything else that you can think of.

Advantages of Using QR Codes

QR code labels are a great way to communicate with consumers and they can also be used as a simple way to reward your customers. Consumers that buy your product are the exact type of consumers that you want to be targeting with your marketing, so QR codes give you a good way to engage with them instantly. Instant engagement can give you a competitive edge because the customer will remember the gesture, especially if the engagement is rewarding them for their purchase. QR codes can be another way to get visitors to your website since it is easy to send them to your mobile site with the code. You can encourage the user to register on your site or sign up for your newsletter when they scan the code. Some other ideas that you can consider doing include promoting a local deal via a QR code on a poster on the wall, directing them to your social media pages, or even sending them to a review page after they make a purchase. Giving out free stickers with a business name and contact info is a strategy that many companies use, so why not include a QR code on the sticker that directs people to the url of your choosing. 

QR Code Engagement & Rewards

There is a good opportunity for some fun engagement when using quick response codes. Doing something fun to engage your customers is an effective way for them to remember you. An example of this would be doing a treasure hunt where they have to find and scan certain product barcodes to receive a reward. The QR code can give the customer a small list of hints about one of your products or your brand in general, this way you can tell a story about your brand with the hints. The hints can direct them to certain areas of your website to find the answers, and then once they find all of the answers you can send them to one last url where they enter the correct answers to win a prize. The prize can be a gift certificate or even a discount code so they get a certain percentage off their next order. This gives you a chance to get creative, and it gives your customers something unique and fun to do. The engagement and the reward will be remembered, and that will help to keep your brand top of mind. Since you can do so many different things with your QR code, you need to decide what is the most rewarding for your customers. One thing that you can never go wrong with is giving your loyal customers a coupon that will give them a substantial discount. With product packaging you can print the QR code on the inside of the package, or you can insert a small flier or sticker into the package with a code on it. Engagement with your customers is extremely important, and getting feedback from them is crucial to improving upon your services. A QR code can be helpful for encouraging feedback, and once you get their feedback you should also reward them for taking up some of their time. To initiate feedback you can have them scan the code with their smartphone to direct them to a mobile friendly url where they can fill out a short survey. Once they complete the survey and submit it you should make sure to give them a valuable discount or even a free product. It is important to keep in mind that not everyone is familiar with how a QR code works. Adding simple, short instructions should be done for those that have never used them. When adding instructions you should also give them the name of an app, or even a link to it if you are embedding your QR code online.

Creating Your QR Code

It is very quick and easy to create a QR code for your labels, and there is nothing special you have to do when printing them. All you have to do is use one of these free QR code generators below to create your unique code, then you can save it to your computer, and then incorporate into your artwork during design. Once you have your art set up with your QR code you are ready to print. Here are some quick, free, and easy QR code generators for you to use. If you have a barcode scanner on your phone you can scan the QR code at the top of this post!

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