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While the quality of a product is still the most important buying factor for many of today’s shoppers, other factors are also playing a role in the decision to purchase. Instead of concentrating strictly on the quality of a product, shoppers are also interested in the overall price and sustainability of the product’s packaging.
Sustainable packaging is growing in popularity and consumers are more likely to choose recyclable packaging that costs the same as a product without recyclable packaging. According to an article published by Packaging Digest, more than 80 percent of consumers across the U.S., U.K., Germany, and China all expect manufacturers to provide sustainable packaging without increasing the cost of a product. Today, many shoppers consider themselves to be conscious consumers, and the number of environmentally-conscious shoppers only continues to grow. Clearly stating your company’s conscious efforts on your custom labels can really make a difference when it comes to increasing product sales.
In the article, Packaging Digest explained the results of a 2007 BBMG study which showed that 88 percent of consumers considered themselves to be conscious consumers, and 86 percent participated in environmentally-friendly behavior. This shows us that shoppers are willing to take accountability for their actions and prefer to purchase products that will better the world we live in. According to an article by Sustainable Brands, the majority of consumers are willing to make personal sacrifices in order to address environmental issues, even if it means eliminating or cutting back on purchasing their favorite products. The article highlights the global findings from the 2015 Cone Communications CSR study, which found that 84 percent of customers prefer sustainable products as often as possible, but 81 percent said that the lack of availability of environmentally-friendly products is the main thing that holds them back. According to the study, 61 percent of shoppers would be willing to borrow or share products rather than buy new products, due to the lack of availability of sustainable products. 57 percent would risk purchasing a product of lesser quality if it were socially responsible. If your brand can offer sustainable packaging and an outstanding product, then there is no question that you’ll be attracting the conscious customers of today.
If your company is using sustainable packaging, be sure to say so on the product label. Due to advanced technology, it’s not always obvious that a package is sustainable, recyclable, or biodegradable. Some examples of recyclable packaging include paper, cardboard, corn starch, biodegradable plastic, and bubble wrap created from recycled plastic.
If you’re using recyclable packaging, why stop there? offers eco-friendly labels such as Brown Kraft labels for inkjet or laser printers and 100 Percent Recycled White Uncoated (PCW) labels for inkjet, laser, or offset printers. Your sustainable products will really shine through when you seal the deal with eco-friendly custom labels such as these. Both Brown Kraft and PCW labels are offered in cut-to-size labels or as sheet labels. Impress your customers with a completely recyclable and environmentally-friendly product, catered to today’s conscious consumers.