Here at, we make it our mission to provide our valued customers with excellent customer service, high-quality products, quick turnaround time, and helpful labeling advice and education. To make the process of creating cosmetic customized labels as easy as possible, we’ve put together a list of the top seven most common cosmetic labeling mistakes that cosmetic companies make—and how to avoid making these mistakes on your own products. Read on to learn more and be sure to follow our
News & Sticky Notes Blog for the latest labeling industry news and updates.
Cosmetic Mistake #1: The Product Name
If the front of your product’s packaging includes a snippet of your product ingredient list but not the whole ingredient list—the product could be considered misbranded. For example, if your soap products feature tea tee oil, aloe vera, and coconut oil in the ingredient list, but the product’s front-facing label refers only to tea tree oil, you could have a problem.
Cosmetic Mistake #2: Not Knowing When to Use an Ingredient List
If you’re selling a product that doesn’t make any cosmetic claims (such as it being a skin moisturizer or acne reducer), then an ingredient list is not usually required. However, if you do make cosmetic claims, you need to follow the
FDA’s cosmetic labeling guidelines. In this case, an ingredient list is required.
Cosmetic Mistake #3: Not Listing Ingredients by Predominance
Like all customized labels that must be regulated by the FDA, ingredients must be listed in order of predominance by weight. Additionally, all ingredients should be separated by commas and not by the word
Cosmetic Mistake #4: Using the Incorrect Front Size
Cosmetic labels and ingredient lists are difficult enough to read, so it’s important that you use the correct type size and fonts required by the FDA. Once you’re familiar with the FDA’s type size guidelines, physically measure the printed lowercase
o on your customized labels as well as the printed uppercase
Cosmetic Mistake #5: Bolding the Net Weight
Bolding the net weight of the product may not seem like a huge deal, but it is. The net weight of your cosmetic product must be located near the bottom third of the product’s principal display panel. Additionally, the net weight must be bolded.
Cosmetic Mistake #6: Not Correctly Listing Micas
Mica refers to mica-based pigment and all mica-based pigments must be included on cosmetic labels. If a product uses aqua pearl mica (like in this example from
Bramble Berry), the ingredient list would need to include all the mica-based pigments, including mica, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, and chromium oxide green.
Cosmetic Mistake #7: Omitting Contact Information
All company contact information should be included on cosmetic customized labels. However, many cosmetic companies tend to forget that this information is required. If a company is listed in a telephone directory or city directory (in print or online), the street address may be left out. However, the manufacturer or distributor name, city, state, and zip code must all be listed.
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cosmetic labels and to create eye-catching beauty industry labels, contact today.